“Individualized Education with a Global Perspective”


Westlake International Academy (WIA) is a one-stop comprehensive international education solutions provider in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China, serving Chinese nationals as well as international students in China who are at high school or university level. For those who have completed high school, or even as dual enrollment for those currently in high school, we provide international education solutions at the tertiary level such as US college credit or US degrees earned locally here in China. For those with the goal of admission to a “dream university” we also develop strategic programs for application or transfer to prestigious universities abroad. For college-minded students in need of high school completion, such as students with special talents or special needs, we provide custom tailored solutions for a high school diploma with cultivation of individual talents, for a fast track to university.


Mission & Philosophy

The premise of our educational philosophy is that education should not be administered as a factory assembly line, with a cookie-cutter approach to learning styles, course objectives, or even graduation requirements. Each student not only has unique talents, abilities and life goals, but also their own most effective learning styles, motivational stimuli, social and psychological needs, etc., which are catered to by WIA on an individual basis. Furthermore, in today’s global village, students not only must be proficient in English as the world’s international business language but also must have a global mindset for a world without borders; there is literally a world of opportunity for those who are internationally equipped. Westlake International Academy was established to meet these needs locally in China, and is a springboard for sending students abroad for further study and careers according to their life ambitions and goals. WIA assists each student in making their dreams become reality.

Integrated Education Solutions & Services

After a comprehensive evaluation of each student’s unique abilities and aspirations, we design an individualized integrated educational program to achieve short term and long term goals for a university degree and career path, as well as high school completion (as needed). WIA programs cultivate individual talents such as the arts and fine arts, and develop practical social skills and life skills through professional and vocational training.

WIA flagship value-added services are as follows:

  • US university and college degree programs (associate, bachelor, and master) offered from the convenience of our Fuzhou, China campus
  • Personalized academic guidance through individual and small group study
  • Professional tutoring and counselling
  • University application and transfer strategy programs for admission to a “dream university”
  • Individualized high school completion programs for fast track to college, such as:
    • GED prep & testing, for high school equivalency diploma (accepted by 97% of universities in America and many universities worldwide)
    • High school diploma with coursework customized for individual talents and goals
  • Administration and facilitation of internationally recognized standardized tests and test prep, such as:
    • GED
    • ACT
    • IELTS
    • MAP
    • Oxford Test

Free Consultation

Contact us now for a free consultation. We have both English and Chinese speaking counselors available to assist you and answer any questions. Inquiries are welcome from both parents and students!